Thursday, 3 March 2011

Jamie's Dream School

This programme has angered me so much I think I may kill a vole,

It’s not that the programme was bad, far from it, nicely put together and aesthetically pleasing as all ‘Jamie’s ®’ are, I especially liked the build up adverts with chalk flowing out of every pore and swallowing up the floors and walls.

No the problem I have is with the students, a term used loosely in this context as student brings connotations of people who actually want to learn, a bunch of fucking witless idiots who can barely speak properly. If I have to hear one of the foolish air wasters say ‘betta’ one more time…

Yes my problem is with them, and my point is why? Why do they deserve this fantastic chance? Their idiots with no desire in education, they wasted their first chance and now, from what I have seen, they are wasting this. We seem to be predisposed in this country to reward the non-achievers, why try anymore? Is it not best to languish on benefits until somebody totters along and offers you a once in a lifetime chance?

It’s an insult to everyone who has tried in life, everyone who has fought for his or her place. Clawing at every inch of dirt, only to find some idiot placed before them because they couldn’t be bothered with school so got a chance on a television show.

I think the one thing that annoys me most is the children’s obsession with being respected by their teacher, they are children they are not owed respect from anybody, not least their teachers, who need to be in a position of power in order to do their job. Now I’m not saying that the teachers should be condescending, but they need to be in charge, in that room they should be god.

In short, they don’t deserve this, maybe on or two of them will benefit but they rest will waste this chance like every other chance in their snivelling lives.

1 comment:

  1. Well our school did have bars, shutters and cctv ....

    But yeah, your are right. It just annoys me that these children think everybody owes them, that everyone should treat them like adults when they have done nothing with their lives.
